Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms, water bodies such as rivers, lakes and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including different forms of land use, buildings and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.
Combining both their physical origins and the cultural overlay of human presence, often created over millennia, landscapes reflect the living synthesis of people and place vital to local and national identity. Landscapes, their character and quality, help define the self image of a region, its sense of place that differentiates it from other regions. It is the dynamic backdrop to people’s lives.

Desktop wallpapers - Amazing Africa Landscape

Amazing Africa Landscape

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Amazing Africa Landscape

Desktop wallpapers - Ocean Landscape

Ocean Landscape

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Ocean Landscape

Desktop wallpapers - Amazing Landscape

Amazing Landscape

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Amazing Landscape

Desktop wallpapers - Greece Wonderful Landscape

Greece Wonderful Landscape

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Greece Wonderful Landscape

Desktop wallpapers - Landscape Tree Meadow

Landscape Tree Meadow

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Landscape Tree Meadow

Desktop wallpapers - Landscape at Islands

Nature and Landscape 8

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Landscape at Islands

Desktop wallpapers - Tuscan Landscape at Sunrise Italy

Tuscan Landscape at Sunrise Italy

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Tuscan Landscape at Sunrise Italy

Desktop wallpapers - Landscape HD 1920x1080

nature, landscape

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Landscape HD 1920x1080

Desktop wallpapers - Madeira shore

Madeira shore

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