AB Volvo is a Swedish builder of commercial vehicles, including trucks, buses and construction equipment. Volvo also supplies marine and industrial drive systems, aerospace components and financial services. Although Volvo was incorporated in 1915 as a subsidiary of AB SKF, a Swedish ball bearing manufacturer, the auto manufacturer considers itself officially founded on 14 April 1927, when the first car, the Volvo ÖV 4 series, affectionately known as "Jakob", rolled out of the factory in Hisingen, Gothenburg.

Desktop wallpapers - 2012 Volvo XC70 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

2012 Volvo XC70

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - 2012 Volvo XC70 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

Desktop wallpapers - 1920x1440 Volvo C30 Recharge

Volvo C30 Recharge

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - 1920x1440 Volvo C30 Recharge

Desktop wallpapers - 2011 Volvo S60 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

2011 Volvo S60

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - 2011 Volvo S60 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

Desktop wallpapers - Volvo XC60 New Wallpaper in 1920x1440 Resolution

Volvo XC60 New

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Volvo XC60 New Wallpaper in 1920x1440 Resolution

Desktop wallpapers - Electric Volvo C30 2 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

Electric Volvo C30 2

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Electric Volvo C30 2 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

Desktop wallpapers - Volvo S60 Official 2 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

Volvo S60 Official 2

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Volvo S60 Official 2 Wallpaper in 1920x1200 Resolution

Desktop wallpapers - Volvo 3CC Concept

Volvo 3CC Concept.jpg

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Volvo 3CC Concept

Desktop wallpapers - Volvo C30 Concept front

Volvo C30 Concept front.jpg

Click on image to open fullHD wallpaper - Volvo C30 Concept front

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